

The steroid anabolic Stanozolol has been used by athletes and bodybuilders for a very long time. This drug is unique, because, unlike its own kind, it contains 5 benzene rings in the structure of the molecule. In addition, Stanazolol is a progesterone antagonist, which makes it indispensable in cases where it is necessary to suppress the activity of progestogens of other anabolic agents.

Stanozolol is available in two forms – injectable (water solution) and oral. The action of both the first and second forms is the same.

Usage and dosage of Stanoject (SP)

Due to the fact that the oral form of Stanozolol is very easy to fake, bodybuilders are increasingly giving their preference to its injectable form. However, it is worth noting that Stanozolol tablets have one positive quality that distinguishes it from the injectable form of the same drug. Science has proven that taking 0.2 mg of Stanozolol per kg of an athlete's weight reduces the level of globulin that binds anabolic hormones by 50%. Those. the effect of taking other steroids together with Stanozolol will be much higher.

The most effective is the injection form of the drug. Injections should be made in different muscles. This is due to the fact that the period of action of Stanozolol is short and the active substance may not have time to reach all muscle groups.

You should not expect a super result from taking this anabolic, although it will be noticeable. Especially where the injections were given. The result from taking Stanozolol lasts a long time. In addition, this tool is an excellent fat burner.

For best results, Stanozolol should be taken daily. Otherwise, the effect of the reception will be equal to zero.The optimal dose is 50-100 mg per day. Although professionals can bring this dose up to 300 mg.

Possible side effects of Winstrol

Despite the many positive qualities of Stanozolol, it also has negative sides. Among them:

  • negative impact on liver function,
  • negative effect on the prostate,
  • appearance of acne
  • hair loss.

The combination of Stanozolol with other drugs

Stanazolol proved to be excellent in combination with other anabolics, and especially with oxandrolone. Such a "duet" helps to significantly improve the athlete's strong performance.

The combination of the drug with strong androgenic steroids is also possible. Stanozolol reduces the effects of depreciation and is taken together with boldenone during the "drying" period.