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Stanozolol from Prime Labs belongs to the group of anabolic androgenic steroids. The active substance is stanozolol. Produced in the form of tablets. The drug is one of the safest, so it is used not only in bodybuilding, but also in women's sports. Mostly it is combined with other steroids or taken during drying, to remove excess water from the body. Anabolic activity from testosterone – 320%, androgenic – 30%.

Effects of taking

Taking Stanozolol is accompanied by such effects:

  • removing excess fluid from the muscles, improving their appearance, drawing their relief,
  • increased endurance, due to the supply of more oxygen to muscle tissue, without oxidation and souring,
  • processing of body fat into energy resources that are used by the body during enhanced training,
  • improvement in appetite,
  • a decrease in the level of globulin,
  • providing antiprogestogenic and antiestrogenic effects (presumably).

With frequent and significant overdoses, some side effects may occur – hair loss, joint pain, acne. These manifestations can be avoided with the correct use of the drug, according to the instructions.