

Stanozolol (Aburaihan, Iran) is an anabolic steroid in ampoules that is effectively used by amateurs and sports professionals. In iron sports, from powerlifting to bodybuilding, it is used mainly in strength courses or drying courses, because it does not contribute to a pronounced increase in muscle mass, but it helps to burn fat, increase muscle stiffness and relief, add strength and endurance.

The main and only active substance of the drug is the steroid stanozolol, which can be understood by the name. This is one of the classic AAS that went on sale more than half a century ago (the Winstrol trademark appeared on the pharmaceutical market in the early 60s of the 20th century). Since then, "stanaza" (abbreviation in slang) has only gained in popularity among athletes. All thanks to the high efficiency and relative safety as a doping agent.

Structurally, the steroid stanozolol, like its analogues in terms of the active substance, is a modification of dihydrotestosterone, which determines many of the pharmacological qualities of the drug, including the complete lack of aromatization.

What effects are confirmed with Stanozolol (Iran)? If you list the improvements that are of paramount importance for pumping, then these are: quality muscle growth (without accumulation of fat or fluid retention), increased endurance, faster recovery, increased strength, reduced body fat, increased stiffness and relief of muscles. Also, the drug can increase appetite.

And one more thing: stanozolol is credited with anti-progestin properties, so it is often combined with nandrolones, and the ability to reduce the activity of sex hormone-binding globulin, which only increases the effectiveness of the steroid as a sports drug.

Potential side effects of Stanozolol (Aburaihan): acne, decreased libido, increased levels of bad cholesterol, increased blood pressure, headache, and some others. But if you exclude contraindications and follow the recommendations, then the side effect is unlikely to bother you.

Store Stanozolol (50 mg / ml, 1ml) in a dry and dark place (temperature not higher than room temperature), away from children and pets. These are typical storage conditions for anabolic and androgenic steroids.


In bodybuilding, the course of Stanozolol (Aburaihan) lasts an average of 6 weeks. As a rule, such a period is quite enough for the drug to show the full spectrum of effects, from fat burning to strength growth. And to get maximum results, it must be combined with other doping agents. Fortunately, stanozolol goes well not only with numerous steroids, but also with a variety of peptides or fat burners.

Let's take a look at a few courses:

  • To dry. Stanozolol (Aburaikhan, Iran) with Oral Turinabol (say, Turinadrol-10 or Turhoged 10 mg) is a combination for beginners. Cycle duration – 8 weeks (+ 2 weeks of post-cycle therapy).
  • For strength. Stanozolol (Aburaikhan, Iran) with a mixture of testosterone esters (say, Omnadren or Sustanon 250) is a combination for experienced musclemen. Cycle duration – 8 weeks (+ 2 weeks for exit and 3 weeks for post-cycle therapy)
  • The average dosage of Stanozolol (Iran) recommended for sports purposes is 50 mg (equivalent to 1 ml) per day or every other day. In rare cases, doses up to 100 mg (equivalent to 2 ml) per day or every other day are allowed. And in a larger volume, the steroid is usually not used so as not to provoke side effects.

    Note: These are water-based injections (suspension) intended for parenteral administration (intramuscular injections). It is also important to highlight that stanozolol has a rapid effect (half-life does not exceed 6-12 hours). That is why it requires such frequent use.

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