The drug Sustaged is an anabolic steroid that is currently quite popular with bodybuilders. Worth noting for those who are going buy Sustagedthat it has unique properties, which allows you to count on a longer effect on the body, in comparison with many other steroid drugs.
Taking it, the bodybuilder receives a significant weight gain, it is important that the body does not accumulate water, which happens when taking other drugs. The active substance of the anabolic is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, due to which the effect of the drug comes on pretty soon and lasts for 3-4 weeks.
Sustaged is characterized by androgenic and anabolic effects on the body, so it is great for building muscle and strength potential. Sustaged Golden Dragon buy a bodybuilder must. After all, its use, in addition to the excellent properties highly appreciated by athletes, promotes tissue regeneration – and this turns out to be very useful while working in the gym.
Sustagen is taken once a week (sometimes once every 10 days). Inexperienced athletes are best to start with 250 mg, while the average dosage is 500 mg, some experienced bodybuilders use 1000 mg per week – the amount of the drug taken depends primarily on weight and experience in taking steroids.