

Testosterone cypionate is an anabolic steroid that is one of the longest lasting testosterone esters available on the pharmaceutical market today. A distinctive feature of cypionate is its duration of action – up to 16 days (with a half-life of 10-12 days). The drug is produced in the form of an oil solution.

The main properties of Sciroxx (Syroks) Testodex Сypionate (Testodex Cypionate):
– a set of muscle mass

– increase the strength of the sexual instinct

– growth of power indicators

– improves appetite

– pumping effect

– accelerates protein synthesis

Half-life – 12 days

Optimal dosages – 400-800 mg per week

Course duration – 10-12 weeks

Examples of steroid courses using testosterone cypionate:
Course for beginners for general mass gain:
200-400mg per week Testosterone Cypionate – 8-10 weeks

50mg per day Stanozolol / Turinabol / Methandienone – 6 weeks

0.5 mg every other day Anastrozole – starting from the second week of the course

PCT – 10-14 days after the last testosterone cypionate injection

Course for an active set of muscle mass
600-1000mg per week Boldenone – 10 weeks

400-600mg per week Testosterone Cypionate – 10 weeks

200-250mg per week Nandrolone Decanoate – 10 weeks

50-150mg per day Oxymetholone – 6 weeks

100mg every other day Testosterone Propionate – 11-12 weeks

50mg per day Winstrol – 11-12 weeks

500-1000 units of hCG per week – starting from the second week of the course

0.5 mg every other day Anastrozole – starting from the second week of the course

PCT – one day after the last injection of testosterone propionate

Course for experienced athletes for active lean mass gain
600-1000mg per week Boldenone – 10 weeks

600mg per week Testosterone Cypionate – 10 weeks

200-250mg per week Nandrolone Decanoate – 10 weeks

50mg per day Turinabol/Stanozolol – 6 weeks

100mg every other day Testosterone Propionate – 11-12 weeks

100mg every other day Masteron – 11-12 weeks

500-1000 units of hCG per week – starting from the second week of the course

0.5 mg every other day Anastrozole – starting from the second week of the course

PCT – one day after the last injection of testosterone propionate