

Testosterone propionate is a popular and one of the most popular anabolic steroids in bodybuilding and many other sports disciplines today. In bodybuilding, this drug is in great demand. The drug is well suited for training cycles not only for experienced athletes, but also for beginners, those who have not previously used sports pharmacology.

The main properties of Sciroxx (Syroks) Testodex Propionate (Testodex Propionate):
– a set of purely muscular muscle mass

– increase the strength of the sexual instinct

– growth of power indicators

– increased relief

– drawing muscles

– increasing the intensity of training

Half-life – 3-4 days

Optimal dosages – 50-100 mg per day

Course duration – 6-8 weeks

Testosterone propionate can be included in absolutely any short course, as an auxiliary drug to enhance androgenic activity, and also used as a "way out" after long courses of steroids.

Examples of steroid cycles using testosterone propionate:
Course for beginners for general mass gain:
50-100mg every other day Testosterone Propionate – 6-8 weeks

50mg per day Stanozolol / Turinabol / Methandienone – 6 weeks

PCT – 3 days after the last injection of testosterone propionate

The course for drying and an increase in strength indicators
100mg every other day Testosterone Propionate – 8 weeks

100mg every other day Masteron – 8 weeks

50-75mg every other day Trenbolone Acetate – 8 weeks

(Optional, you can connect 50 mg per day Winstrol – starting from the 6th week)

0.5 mg every other day Anastrozole – starting from the second week of the course

PCT – 3 days after the last injection of testosterone propionate

The course for a set of quality lean muscle mass
600-800mg per week Boldenone – 10 weeks

400-500mg per week Testosterone Cypionate – 10 weeks

50mg per day Turinabol/Stanozolol – 6 weeks

100mg every other day Testosterone Propionate – 11-12 weeks

100mg every other day Masteron – 11-12 weeks

0.5 mg every other day Anastrozole – starting from the second week of the course

PCT – one day after the last injection of testosterone propionate