

Trenbolone active ingredient (Trenbolone).


  • Fast and high-quality muscle growth.
  • No aromatization.
  • The growth of power indicators.
  • Decreased cortisol levels.
  • Low hepatotoxicity.
  • Fat burning effect.
  • Increasing libido on the course.
  • IGF production.


  • "Train" rage.
  • Krepatura – clogged muscles.
  • Tren cough (Mainly speaks of a good remedy).
  • High toxicity to the kidneys.
  • Strong influence on the production of your own testosterone.
  • Acne, gynecomastia, high blood pressure.
  • Tren is wild.

P.S Side effects can be avoided by early testing and after course therapy. For more information, please contact our consultant.

Admission courses:

  • For "quality" – 6 weeks of admission, 75 – 100 mg of Trenbolone acetate every other day + 100 mg of Testosterone Propinoate every other day + 40 mg of Stanazol per day.
  • For the "mass" – 9 weeks of admission, the first 7 weeks of admission, 200 – 300 mg Trenbolone Enanthate per week + 50 mg Turinabol per day + 500 – 750 mg Testosterone Enanthate per week, the last two weeks of the course 100 mg Testosterone Propinoate + 50 mg Stanazol in a day.

P.S guys, take measures to protect the body while still on the course, understand that after course therapy you can’t avoid it, don’t spare money on your health and it will answer you with good strength and muscle indicators, write to our consultant, he will help you in choosing drugs for your recovery.