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Turhoged Golden Dragon is a mild steroid that stimulates qualitative muscle growth, increases the relief and stiffness of muscle mass.

When using the drug, the level of testosterone increases, the level of globulin decreases and the likelihood of blood clots in the vessels and heart decreases. At the same time, Turhoged practically does not harm the liver and, if used correctly, almost does not cause side effects.

Storage of tablets is recommended in dry, dark and inaccessible places for children.

Turhoged application course:

Turhoged can be used by both experienced athletes and beginners. It allows you to achieve a rapid increase in the qualitative growth of muscles, increase strength and overall endurance.
The dosage for men is 30 to 50 milligrams/day, for women it is 5 to 15 mg/day. The course of application (daily intake) can last 6-8 and 4-6 weeks, respectively. Increasing the dosage or exceeding the time of taking the drug may cause side effects.

Most often, Turhoged is used in combination.

This drug has long gained popularity among athletes, while it is widely known not only in bodybuilding. Its main advantage is accelerated muscle growth and minimal rollback.