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Oxandrolone was created in 1964 in the bowels of the American company "Searle" (Searle Co) and sold under the brand name "Anavar" in the US market for over 25 years. On July 1, 1989, American anavar was discontinued. Now, under the same trademark, the products of the Chinese company Hubei Huangshi are sold, however, unlike the progenitor, each Chinese anavar tablet contains twice as much active substance – 5 mg. In addition to Chinese, the Oxandrolone SPA drug from the Italian S.p.A. has established itself on the market quite a long time ago. Milano Co, each tablet of which contains the "classic" 2.5 mg of oxandrolone itself. According to the famous bodybuilder Mike Christian, it was anavar that was his first anabolic steroid drug and allowed him to achieve impressive gains in strength and mass. History is silent about the dosages used by Mr. Christian, but to this day he remains almost the only athlete who succeeded. In general, oxandrolone is considered a very mild drug, when taken in reasonable dosages, it does not cause any special side effects, but does not lead to any noticeable progress in gaining muscle mass. This is not surprising – after all, oxandrolone was created specifically for use by women and children.

Oxandrolone stabilizes the androgen receptor quite well, but has absolutely no non-AR activity. Due to the structure of its molecule, the steroid is completely unaffected by aromatization, regardless of the dose, and is not converted into dihydrotestosterone. All this has positive features, but significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug.The situation improves slightly with increasing dosages (for men, a dosage of 0.5 mg per 1 kg of weight per day is considered more or less effective, for women it is half as much), but even 100 mg (20 tablets per day) of oxandrolone per day are impressive no weight gain is given. In any case, the return on this dose is incomparable with the return on a three times lower dose of methandrostenolone or oxymetholone. If we take into account the price of oxandrolone, then it becomes completely sad. It should also be remembered that if the daily dosage of 40 mg is exceeded, the drug may exhibit liver toxicity (this is not strange, because oxandrolone is 17-alpha alkylated). For those who decide to use the drug, we remind you that the half-life of oxandrolone is 8 hours, which means that its daily dose should be divided into three equal parts. And yet, oxandrolone has a scope, even a few.

Firstly, as already mentioned, oxandrolone is an ideal steroid for women and young athletes, only it does not cause practically any virilization phenomena, in addition, the use of oxandrolone does not lead to premature closure of the so-called "growth zones" in young people. Secondly, the use of a steroid between cycles will help, to some extent, maintain what has been achieved. In this case, the drug should be taken once a day – about 7-8 o'clock in the morning. Thirdly, oxandrolone is used to prepare for competitions. The detection period of the drug does not exceed 10-12 days, in addition, in combination with drostanolone (masteron) or fluoxymesterone (halotestin), it increases muscle stiffness.Of the other combinations, it is worth noting the combination of oxandrolone with methandrostenolone or oxymetholone – such cycles will appeal to those who do not even think about using a syringe. )
The drug has a very high anabolic index. Its anabolic activity is as much as 400% of testosterone, while the androgenic component is reduced to 25%. Anavar is not converted into estrogens, so it does not require the inclusion of drugs such as Proviron or Tamoxifen in the course. The drug is 17-alpha alkaline, which allows it to pass through the liver without being destroyed, but it has a weak toxic effect on it. Anavar is available exclusively in tablet form. The period of action of the drug in the blood is 8-12 hours, the detection time is up to one and a half months.

conversion to estrogen: absent
anabolic index: 400%, androgenic index: 25%
duration of action: 8-12 hours
detection time: 45 days.
Synonyms: Oksandrin, Oksaver, Anatrofill, Oksanabol, Vasorome, Anavar, etc.

a strong increase in the hardness of muscle fibers and an increase in relief
efficient breakdown and burning of fats
increase in somatotropin levels
increase in strength, endurance.

The drug does not have a significant effect on the growth of muscle mass. It follows that the course of oxandrolone "solo" is advisable to carry out in order to improve the relief of the muscles. The duration of the course is 5-8 weeks. It very weakly inhibits the production of endogenous testosterone, therefore, when using the drug without combination, post-course therapy is not required.

To exclude possible side effects, it is necessary to consult a specialist.To get the most out of your oxandrolone cycle, you should follow a low-carb (but high-protein) diet.

Oxandrolone combines well with other anabolic steroids. For a simultaneous increase in mass and strength, it is recommended to include stronger androgens in the course. Combined courses can reduce the side effects of drugs taken separately, as well as get a greater effect than using the same drugs separately.

Oxandrolone is best combined with such anabolic agents:

– Primobolan (excellent quality),

– Testosterone (excellent mass),

When combining the drug with any testosterone esters (sustanon), it is necessary to include Proviron and / or Anastrozole in the course to reduce the risk of developing gynecomastia. In addition, Proviron significantly increases the effectiveness of the course, reducing the level of globulin that binds sex hormones.

Anavar: dosages. How to take oxandrolone?
Start the course with a dosage of 20 mg per day, divided into 2 equal doses. Within 3-5 days, it is allowed to increase the dosage to 60-80 mg / day, depending on your needs. As a PCT, at higher dosages, it may be necessary to include tamoxifen to restore your own testosterone levels after the course.

1. Minor toxicity. Although Anavar is 17 alpha alkaline, its toxic effects on liver cells are negligible. In the course of studies, it was verified that with a daily dose of Oxandrolone 20 mg for 3 months, liver enzymes remain normal.

There are no signs of liver damage, such as dark urine, light stools, pain symptoms in the right hypochondrium.

2. Does not aromatize.As a result, there are no manifestations of estrogen reactions – accumulation of fluid, feminization, etc.

3. Insignificant influence on the level of secretion of the own hormone testosterone. Therefore, at low dosages of Anavar, there is no need for PCT.

At high dosages (80 mg per day, 12 weeks), testosterone is suppressed, so libido may decrease, and a sluggish erection may appear. In such cases, it is necessary to include chorionic gonadotropin in the course.

Oxandrolone: ​​REVIEWS
Anavar is rightfully considered the safest anabolic. For drying – this is one of the most high-quality and effective preparations. It gives good results when working on relief, dry muscles, and is effective in reducing body fat. It can be used by girls in preparation for the competitive season, without a high risk of virilization symptoms.