Oxymetholone by Genetic Labs – a powerful stimulator of muscle growth. It has the strongest anabolic effect, helping to achieve noticeable results in a relatively short period of time. With Oxymetholone, you can achieve a weight gain of 5-7 kg within 2 weeks. The drug contributes to the effect of volume and has a positive effect on the nitrogen balance in the body.
The drug eliminates pain in the joints, provoking the production of synovial fluid – articular lubrication. It has a positive effect on the functionality of the skeletal system, helping the absorption of calcium. It was originally used for medical purposes to treat osteoporosis, a disease of the skeleton.
Oxymetholone increases the red blood cell mass, which contributes to the intensive saturation of tissues with oxygen: this increases the strength and endurance of the athlete. Oxymetholone creates the so-called "pump effect" – an increased flow of blood to the muscle group involved at a particular moment of training.
Application and dosage
Well Oxymetholone suitable for male athletes over 21 years of age. The duration of the course is 6-8 weeks. It is not advisable to increase the duration of taking Oxymetholone, because. the main results are achieved within the first 3 weeks.
It is better to take a break for a few weeks, then repeat the course. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 100 mg. Athletes using anabolics for the first time are not recommended to use more than 50 mg per day.
At the end of the course, it is desirable for the athlete to undergo PCT – post-cycle therapy: the level of natural testosterone should be restored.