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Pharma Prim 100 Pharmacom Labs (primobolan) is a drug with a moderate anabolic effect and weak androgenic activity. In the injectable form, it is an ether and has a long-lasting effect on cellular structures. It is suitable for kopeck pieces as it has no side effects.

pharmachologic effect

Pharma Prim 100 Pharmacom Labs (primobolan) has a long active period – about 2 weeks. The anabolic effect of the drug is quite mild, and therefore Primobolan is rarely used for weight gain. More often, the drug is included in courses to maintain weight or drying.

Pharma Prim 100 Pharmacom Labs (primobolan) has no side effects associated with aromatization (gynecomastia, fat deposits, edema) and does not cause a rollback at the end of the course. It is safe for women as it does not cause muscularization and water retention.

For some athletes, this remedy is also suitable for building muscle weight, especially if a long course of 10 weeks is practiced. Muscles grow slowly, but the result is more stable and of high quality. The mass gained on Primobolan is retained longer, it is drier and embossed.

Effects and effects on the body

The course of Primobolan for drying, relief and mass preservation lasts 6-8 weeks. A safe dosage is 400 mg weekly. The injections are given once, usually in the gluteal muscle. For athletes, swimmers and combat sportsmen, a weekly amount of 200 mg is sufficient.

Longer courses of Primobolan, despite the safety and softness of the drug, still require post-cycle therapy with Clomid to normalize hormonal levels.

Side effects

Pharma Prim 100 Pharmacom Labs (primobolan) is contraindicated in persons with chronic liver and kidney disease.

With reasonable dosages and the correct duration of cycles, the drug is practically harmless and does not affect the internal organs.

Pharma Prim 100 Pharmacom Labs (primobolan) is a safe drug that can be safely recommended to beginners in bodybuilding for a gradual increase in quality and relief mass. It is also suitable for athletes with extensive experience – the "pros" use it to save weight.