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Primogen, known as Primobolan with the active ingredient Methantholone Enanthate. It is an effective anabolic steroid for building muscle mass and strength. Primogen is a mild compound with no side effects, which is very suitable for beginners and recreational athletes.

Primobolan does not cause excessive accumulation of water in the muscles, does not pose a danger to the liver, and does not turn into estrogen. Estrogenic side effects such as bloating and gynecomastia will definitely not occur. Primogen does not increase blood pressure and, when dosed correctly, does not inhibit natural testosterone production.

Bodybuilders with a fairly low fat content will especially notice an increase in muscle mass and strength. Primobolan is a very mild steroid and works exceptionally well with high protein diets. For most athletes, Primabol is one of the best anabolic steroids to achieve good results without side effects.

Primogen will work well with an optimal dose of 200 to 400 mg per week. In the pre-competition period, oral Stanozolol and Trenbolone can be combined. However, when the goal is to increase muscle mass, it is great to combine Primobolan with Testosterone.