


Nowadays, steroid mixes have become very popular among athletes. They are a combination of several steroid drugs in one vial. Substances in the preparation are contained in the most effective and safe percentage. One such steroid mix is ​​Cut-Stack.

Cut-Stack is a mix of three steroids. These include: testosterone phenylpropionate, trenbolone acetate and drostanolone propionate. This mix contains ethers that differ from each other in the duration of their action. Cut-Stack is a mix of steroids that does not require frequent administration. The drug begins its effect on the body immediately after administration.

Cut-Stack is used by athletes to build lean muscle mass. Muscles grow without the accumulation of excess fluid and body fat. In addition, the drug has a fat burning effect. During the course, there is a significant surge of strength and energy. The endurance of an organism increases that allows to increase duration of trainings and loadings. There is also an increase in libido and sexual desire.

Dosage Cut-Stack

The duration of the Cut-Stack course is 6 to 8 weeks. The dosage of the drug ranges from 750 mg to 1000 mg per week. This dose should be divided into 3-4 doses. The drug should be started with lower dosages and, if necessary, increased if there are no side effects. Please consult with a specialist before starting.

Side effects of this drug

At high dosages and individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the following side effects may occur: high blood pressure, headaches, acne, baldness, increased body hair growth, aggressiveness, and others. With prolonged use, the production of one's own testosterone can be suppressed.