

Sustandrol of the well-known Moldovan company Balkan Pharmaceuticals is considered one of the most popular AAS. It gained its popularity largely due to its long-term effect. Many athletes willingly use it in their courses and boldly recommend buying Balkan Sustamed 250 to others.

The steroid is interesting in that it is based on not one substance, but several. Rather, it includes four forms of testosterone: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, and decanoate. Since they all have a different duration of action, the result comes quickly enough. Given this feature, the price of Balkan Sustamed 250 is quite high.

The company produces the steroid only in injectable form – 1ml / 250mg ampoules. Due to its composition, the effect of taking an anabolic can last up to 3 weeks. In this case, injections must be done only once every 3-4 days. Also, the drug has a tendency to aromatize, so an additional intake of antiestrogens would be appropriate. Other side effects are mainly due to the misuse of AAS and individual reactions.

Features Balkan Sustamed 250

Due to the prolonged effect, the drug has gained considerable popularity among athletes. Although the cost of Balkan Sustamed 250 is quite high, it is justified by its many properties:

  • set of muscle mass,
  • increase in strength and endurance,
  • increased appetite,
  • improved libido,
  • an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood,
  • increase in tone during training.

In our online sports pharmacology store you can buy Balkan Sustamed 250 at an affordable price. We provide AAS of original production with quality certificates. Also, we have experienced specialists who can easily answer any of your questions.