

Pharmacological class: anabolic steroid
Manufacturer: ZPHC China
Dosage form: ampoules for intramuscular injections
Active: 15 days
Detection in the body: up to 3 months
Anabolic activity: about 100%
Androgenic activity: high (100%)
Effect on liver function: none
Aromatization: yes, high
ZPHC TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE 10ml 250mg is a long-acting steroid formulated as an ester of natural testosterone.
pharmachologic effect

TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE 10ml 250mg is a topical and highly effective steroid with a long period of action. The drug penetrates into the cellular structures of the body, stimulating energy and metabolic reactions. Testosterone Enanthate 250 enhances the production of protein in the body and causes an increase in muscle mass.
TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE 10ml 250mg accelerates the processes of cell regeneration, increases the transport capacity of the blood and improves the tone of the athlete. Thanks to the drug, the athlete recovers faster after exercise.
There is a positive effect of Testosterone Enanthate 250 on the skeletal system of the body, joints of the limbs and intervertebral discs with signs of wear.
Application and dosage

The universal drug Testosterone Enanthate 250 is suitable for experienced athletes and beginners in bodybuilding. Its dosage range is 250-750 mg. Novice athletes who have not yet used anabolics in their training are recommended a weekly amount of no more than 250 mg.The drug is injected once into the gluteal muscle. The duration of the course is 6 or 8 weeks.
To reduce the risk of estrogen effects, it is advisable to additionally introduce Proviron, starting from the 2nd week of the course. At a dosage of more than 250 mg and a course duration of more than 6 weeks, it is advisable to use Gonadotropin to restore the level of your own hormones in the body.

TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE 10ml 250mg is compatible with many anabolic steroids – Nandrolone, Trenbolone, Naposim. For drying muscles, the drug is combined with Winstrol.
Side effects

Adverse reactions when using Testosterone Enanthate 250 relate mainly to its ability to turn into estrogens. This can cause gynecomastia or edema due to water retention. These effects can be prevented by taking in parallel with Testosterone Enanthate 250 antiestrogens – Clomid or other aromatase inhibitors.