

The main properties of Sciroxx (Syroks) Pentadex 300 (Pentadeks 300):
– a significant increase in muscle mass

– increase the strength of the sexual instinct

– growth of power indicators

– improved appetite

– develops endurance

– increasing the intensity of training

Half-life – 15-18 days

Optimal dosages – 250-100 mg per week

Course duration – 10-12 weeks

Examples of steroid cycles using Sustanon:
Cycle for beginners:
100mg per week Nandrolone Decanoate – 8-10 weeks

250mg per week Sustanon – 10-12 weeks

30-40 mg per day Methandienone / Stanozolol – 6 weeks

(It is optimal from the middle of the course until its completion to connect hCG at a dosage of 500-1000 units per week)

PCT – three weeks after the last injection of sustanon

Cycle for an active set of muscle mass:
200mg per week Nandrolone Decanoate – 8-10 weeks

500mg per week Sustanon – 10-12 weeks

40-50 mg per day Methandienone / Turinabol – 6 weeks

500-1000 units of hCG per week – 3-12 weeks

0.25 mg every 4 days Cabergoline – 2-10 weeks (elimination of progesterone effect)

0.5 mg every other day Anastrozole – 2-10 weeks (lower estradiol levels)

PCT – three weeks after the last injection of testosterone enanthate or sustanon

Cycle for advanced athletes:
200-400mg per week Nandrolone Decanoate – 8-10 weeks

500-750mg per week Sustanon – 10-12 weeks

50-150 mg per day Oxymetholone – 6-8 weeks

500-1000 units of hCG per week – 3-14 weeks

0.25 mg every 4 days Cabergoline – 2-10 weeks (elimination of progesterone effect)

0.5 mg every other day Anastrozole – 2-14 weeks (lower estradiol levels)

100mg every other day Testosterone Propionate – 12-14 weeks

50mg per day stanozolol / winstrol – 12-14 weeks

50 mg per day Proviron – 12-14 weeks (optional exit component)

PCT – three days after the last injection of testosterone propionate