


Despite the fact that earlier clenbuterol vermoge was used exclusively in medicine, recently it has been actively used by athletes. This is explained by the fact that the action of the active substance of the drug contributes to the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits. It is for this reason that it is used during the drying period, and when the athlete needs to lose weight.

It should be noted that clenbuterol does not belong to anabolics – it belongs to adrenomimetics, the mechanism of action of which is to start lipolysis. Influencing the beta-2-adrenergic receptors of the human nervous system, maple vermodje promotes increased secretion of thyroid hormones – the body's natural fat burners.

It should be noted that this drug is also unique in that, in addition to a pronounced fat-burning effect, it is credited with anti-catabolic properties. This allows you to protect muscle tissue from destruction, which is very useful for a bodybuilder when losing weight and drying.

Among other things, the effect of taking this drug means is as follows:
– it increases body temperature
– reduces appetite,
– has an anabolic effect (which, by the way, is not very pronounced).

For male bodybuilders effective dosage clenbuterol-ver should be considered 120-140 mcg daily – this volume is enough for effective drying and weight loss. For female athletes, the recommended dosage of the drug is also for drying and losing weight – from 80 to 10 mcg daily.

The duration of the course of clenbuterol-ver, most often, is two weeks. After that, receptor tolerance (addiction) is formed, and the effect of the intake decreases.Experienced athletes recommend taking a short break in admission (2 weeks), after which you can take the course again.

The effect and duration of taking clenbuterol-ver can be increased by adding ketotifen to the course. In some cases, in order to prevent the addiction of receptors, a pulse course is recommended, which implies 2 days of admission – 2 days of rest. It should be known that this scheme shows a relatively less effective result.

It is important that the incidence of side effects is quite low. As the experience of taking many bodybuilders shows, serious side effects are extremely rare. And an impressive number of positive qualities make clenbuterol-ver one of the most sought-after fat burners among athletes.