

Testosterone Propionate is a steroid that is used by athletes to build muscle mass, as well as to create a beautiful relief body. In addition, the drug contributes to the rapid recovery of athletes after intense physical exertion.


  • reduces the risk of heart problems
  • increases strength,
  • contributes to the preservation of the accumulated muscle mass during drying.

Methods of application and doses

The duration of the testosterone propionate course is on average 2-4 weeks. For those who have never taken anabolics, but decided to try, it is recommended not to exceed a dose of 50 mg (an injection is done every two days). For those who are already familiar with such drugs, the recommended dose is 100 mg or more (can be administered daily).

Combination with other steroids

Testosterone Propionate goes well with Methanol, Turinabol, Winstrol.

Side effects

In order for ZPHC TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE 1ml/100mg to not cause side effects, Proviron should be used in parallel with it. After a course of a steroid, it is worth taking a recovery course of Tamoxifen.