

The Israeli manufacturer of sports doping Prime Labs produces a quality product Trenbolone Acetate 100. The drug is aimed at enhancing muscle growth and, in addition, simultaneously performs other important goals for athletes. The properties of Trenbolone Acetate are very pronounced: firstly, anabolic qualities are manifested in the amount of 400% testosterone, and androgenic – 200%. The steroid acts quickly – the body reacts within three days after the injection. This type of doping is mainly used by athletes with extensive experience in the field of pharmacology, since the drug has a high power of action.

Active substance Trenbolone Acetate 100

The active substance of the steroid is trenbolone acetate. It is useful during drying of the body. Athletes note the effectiveness of the drug with proper and proper use. Initially, trenbolone acetate was used for medical and veterinary purposes – it effectively restores the body with a lack of strength and muscle mass indicators. After some time, the substance has established itself as a good dope and migrated to the sport.

Benefits of Trenbolone Acetate 100

The effects of the drug:

  • Anabolic,
  • anti-catabolic,
  • Androgenic.

What does doping affect?

  • Enhances muscle growth
  • Saves the result – the muscles are not destroyed,
  • Increases stamina, strength,
  • Helps reduce fatigue, fatigue,
  • Appetite, libido, aggression increase.

Side Effects of Trenbolone Acetate 100

Of course, like any sports doping, the drug affects the body not only positively, but also negatively. Be sure to consider side effects.They can be reduced as much as possible if you correctly calculate the course, in which specialists will help you.

What happens to the body when taking the drug:

  • Increased coughing, sweating, aggression,
  • Perhaps the appearance of acne, gynecomastia.

Dostinex with the active ingredient cabergoline helps prevent side effects.

Admission course

The recommended course of taking Trenbolone Acetate 100: the athlete needs to inject every second day with a volume of 75 to 100 mg. Naturally, you need to consult a specialist who will help calculate the individual dosage. Everything affects the body: nutrition, duration and intensity of training, rest and, of course, the selection of the right doping.

Trenbolone Acetate 100 can be combined with other drugs. So, testosterone, stanozolol, mesterolone, oxandrolone do not negatively affect the body, along with trenbolone acetate.

Buy Trenbolone Acetate

Buying the drug will not be a problem if you contact our store. We are ready to provide competent advice if you have any questions. We guarantee the quality, effectiveness of doping and its beneficial effect on your training.