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The specific composition and action of the active components of Turinabol provide an increase in the functionality of the body:

  • improvement in endurance performance,
  • developing more strength
  • increase in speed.

Often bodybuilders decide to buy Turinabol just before the competition – during the preparatory period, this drug helps to bring the body into better shape in a short time and achieve impressive results.

Before you buy Turinabol in a Ukrainian pharmacy or other specialized store, you need to know that taking it provokes a decrease in the concentration of globulin, which is responsible for binding sex hormones. During the systematic use of Turanabol, a significant increase in testosterone levels is observed.

The course of Turinabol is safe for the athlete's health – the drug minimizes the risk of blood clots in the vessels and heart. The active components of the pharmaceutical stimulate the production of proteins, inhibit the breakdown of amino acids, increase the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets, and are also responsible for retaining phosphates, nitrogen and potassium in the body.

Synthesis of testosterone by the body is restored within 5 days after discontinuation of the drug.

Turanabol provides dryness and density of the athlete's muscles. This effect is achieved due to the ability of the drug not to retain water in the body. At the same time, the weight indicators are practically not amenable to change.

The drug Turinabol is characterized by a mass of advantages:

  • increases endurance and strength,
  • stimulates the formation of muscle tissue,
  • increases muscle hardness,
  • promotes an increase in muscle relief,
  • excludes depreciation,
  • minimal consequences after cancellation.

Proper intake of Turanabol

The norms of the drug when taking Turanabol in a course should be determined based on the characteristics of the physical development and physiology of the athlete. The standard daily dose is considered to be 30-60 milligrams. This portion of the drug is taken several times. Women are not recommended to take more than 10-15 milligrams of Turanabol per day.

Reviews of bodybuilders who use Turanabol systematically indicate the absence of side effects – the drug is as safe and effective as possible.

To maximize the effect of the course of Turinabol, it is recommended to combine the drug with another drug, for example, parabolan or stanozol. Thanks to this combination, the bodybuilder will be able to build muscle as much as possible in between competitions and in preparation for them, remove water from the body and ensure the most efficient lipid burning, which allows you not to take additional fat burners.

The drug Turanabol (Turanabol) is available in pharmacies and specialized sports pharmaceutical stores. The choice of a seller is a responsible step, since the quality of the products provided depends on his responsibility and honesty. It is also necessary to pay attention to the cost of Turanabol – if the drug is too cheap, then with a high probability you have a fake or the expiration date of the product has already expired.

Despite the fact that Turanabol is sold without a prescription and for special purposes, the course of the drug, its dosage and duration of administration should be determined by a specialist in order to avoid negative health consequences. Standard Turanabol is taken for 6-7 weeks.

Possible consequences of taking Turinabol (Turanabol)

Turanabol has been included in the specific and auxiliary diet of bodybuilders and athletes for many years. The results of laboratory tests showed the complete safety of the drug, and its clinical use proved the effectiveness of pharmaceuticals in practice.

The presence of negative reactions of the body is observed in exceptional cases. Basically, the reason is an overdose or taking Turanabol with incompatible drugs.

Turanabol is a type of anabolic steroids, which does not exclude the complete absence of side effects. The drug refuses to affect the functioning of the liver, which makes it necessary to take hepatoprotectors.

Due to the absence of a serious negative impact on the body, Turanabol can be taken for a long time without long breaks.

Among the contraindications to taking Turanabol, it is necessary to highlight:

  • the presence of oncological pathologies,
  • development of renal or hepatic failure.

Tiranabol should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation.

The price of the drug Turanabol (Turanabol)

Despite the fact that the cost of the drug cannot be called low and accessible to everyone without exception, it is fully compensated by a quick effect. Athletes taking Tiranabol are willing to pay reasonable money for the visible and long-lasting effect of a high quality drug.

Reviews of doctors about turinabol

Turinabol is one of the scandalous and controversial sports drugs, but even doctors speak well of it, because it really works effectively and significantly improves the physical performance of athletes.