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Turinabol is a steroid drug produced by the European company Prime Labs.

The anabolic drug has been in great demand among professional athletes and beginners for several years.

Turinabol is similar to one of the most famous anabolics in the sports industry – methandrostenalone.

Turinabol has a predominantly anabolic effect, to a lesser extent – androgenic. This means that Turinabol has virtually no side effects and is actually safe.

Main advantages

  • Has a high efficiency
  • Helps build quality muscle mass
  • Doesn't retain water
  • Combines well with other anabolic steroids,
  • Significantly increases strength and stamina
  • Speeds up recovery
  • Safe and has no side effects
  • Gives relaxation to the muscles.

Combination with other drugs of sports pharmacology

Turinabol is perfectly combined with other drugs, depending on the goals pursued. For example, to build muscle, Turinabol should be taken in parallel with Nandrolone and Testosterone.

For burning fat, it is worth combining with Parabolan and Stanozolol.

According to the reviews of athletes who used Turinabol at different stages of their activity, the drug is effective and 100% consistent with the declared characteristics.

Method of application and dosage

The dosage is strictly individual and varies depending on the goals pursued and the physical characteristics of the athlete. The average dosage varies from 20 to 60 mg per day.

Athletes weighing less than 90 kg are recommended to consume no more than 20 mg per day.

In other cases, the dosage can be increased to 60 mg per day.

The full dose of the drug should be taken once a day or the daily dose can be divided into two doses.

It is believed that the optimal dose of Turinabol is 0.125 mg per 1 kg of dry body weight.

It should also be noted that the drug is safe and suitable even for women.

However, you should responsibly approach the issue of using steroids and first get the advice of a competent specialist.