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Turanabol is an oral anabolic steroid produced in Moldova by Balkan Pharmaceuticals. It contains chlordehydromethyltestosterone, the main pharmacological properties of which are a high anabolic index and relatively low androgenic activity.

When using this tool, there is a chance to increase dry muscle mass by 5-6 kg. With its help, adipose tissue is well split, strength indicators, endurance and speed are improved.

During the period of drug use, globulin decreases, as a result of which the concentration of testosterone in the blood increases. It retains water and minimizes the appearance of blood clots in the blood vessels.

Dosage of the drug:

The average dose is 30 – 60 mg (it is recommended to use it in several doses). At this dosage side effects are not observed. For women, the dosage is 10-15 mg. Taking Turanabol without consulting a specialist is not recommended. The duration of the course should be no more than 6 – 7 weeks.

In combination with Stanozolol, Testosterone and Parabolan, there is a chance to increase relief muscle mass.

Side effects:

With the right dosage and well-chosen course, there are no side effects.