


The main property of the drug Clomed (Clomid), the price of which will pleasantly surprise everyone, is an increase in the secretion of one's own testosterone. That is why professional athletes are advised to buy Clomid for post-cycle therapy after taking steroid drugs that inhibit the production of natural testosterone, which can subsequently lead to testicular atrophy.

Clomid also has antiestrogenic properties, that is, it reduces the concentration of estrogen in the body of athletes. However, not only men are advised to buy Clomid. For women, doctors prescribe this drug in cases of disruption of the ovaries, bleeding in the uterus, infertility and other disorders in the female line.

Benefits of Clomid

With all its positive effects, it is recommended to buy Clomid (Clomed) only after consulting a trainer, since, despite the relative safety for the body, the risk of developing side symptoms if the dosage is not followed is always present. The drug Clomid in Kyiv, which can be purchased at a loyal price policy in our store, has a number of contraindications, in particular, if there is a tendency to form blood clots, there are liver diseases, various kinds of tumors, a disease of the nervous system is diagnosed.

Clomed (Clomid) in Ukraine is popular among professional athletes. What is the principle of the effect of the drug on the body? The active substances of the steroid stimulate the production of glycoprotein, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the testicles. The more glycoprotein is produced, the higher the concentration of the male hormone testosterone.To achieve the maximum and lasting effect, it is necessary to take Clomid constantly, thereby maintaining a constantly high concentration of testosterone in the body.

How does Clomid inhibit the negative effects of other anabolic steroids? All drugs used by weightlifters to quickly increase muscle volume stimulate the active production of the natural hormone testosterone.

The entire course of the use of drugs, a high concentration of the hormone in the blood contribute to an increase in muscle volume, but as soon as the course is over, the hormone becomes scarce, and the process of its natural production is inhibited. From this, the increased volume of muscles begins to quickly decrease and dry out – the so-called rollback process. Clomid allows you to maintain the amount of testosterone at the right level, from which the muscle volume obtained on the course remains.

The drug normalizes not only the concentration of testosterone, but also reduces the level of the hormone estrogen, brings their concentration to balance, preventing the risk of developing gynecomastia – a common problem in professional athletes involved in strength sports.

Clomid: use on PCT (post cycle therapy) and dosages

If you are using steroid drugs on the course that tend to inhibit the secretion of your own testosterone, you should definitely undergo PCT. After you finish the steroid cycle, start taking Clomid 100 mg per day for one week, then 50 mg per day for the second week. Thus, the production of your natural testosterone will return to normal.

Clomid in Kyiv and other cities must be purchased only in trusted stores, so as not to fall for low-quality crafts, which not only will not bring the desired result, but can also lead to complications in the body. Clomid in Ukraine, many athletes take regularly for the preventive purpose of the occurrence of unwanted symptoms from the use of other anabolic steroids. In such cases, it is necessary to take half a tablet during the entire course, and it is mandatory to do this if the athlete takes more than two steroids on the course at the same time.

Clomid is a drug that can cause side effects. Women need to take the steroid with extreme caution and with strict adherence to the dosage. The active components of the drug stimulate repeated stimulation, and this significantly increases the chances of conceiving a multiple pregnancy. You can buy Clomid in Ukraine in free sale even in pharmacies. The drug is sold under the name Nolvadex. Clomid price depends on where the drug was produced. Foreign-made drugs are always more expensive.