

Effect of taking Tropin 1/10 IU

Drug Tropin (Tropin) 1/10 IU, judging by the reviews of many bodybuilders, can be called a popular anabolic. Its main benefit for the athlete lies in the ability to stimulate the synthesis of proteins, they are the raw materials for the production of new muscle tissue. Inhibition of catabolic processes in the body retains calcium and nitrogen, which allows you to build muscle in an accelerated rhythm. At the same time, under the influence of the drug, there is a rapid burning of fats, which are used by the body as an energy source for life.

The drug Tropin (Tropin) 1/10 IU, which can be bought in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine through our online store, promotes an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood, this factor must be taken into account when prescribing an anabolic course.

If the athlete decides to order Tropin with a dosage of 1/10 IU and take the steroid as a course, then the following results await him with the systematic use of the drug:

  • slows down cellular aging
  • immunity is strengthened,
  • increased libido,
  • subcutaneous fat is burned
  • building new muscle mass
  • increase strength and endurance.

Buy Tropin 1/10 IU and taking the remedy in a course is also recommended for people suffering from excessive excess weight. However, the appointment of the drug should be done by a personal trainer together with a doctor.

How to take Tropin 1/10 IU

The optimal dosage of the steroid for beginners is 5 units, which are divided into 2 doses during the day. To get the effect of the stimulant, it must be taken for more than 2 months. The standard course duration is about six months. During this time, the dosage of the steroid may be slightly increased.