

*Packing: 10 bottles 10IU *Amount of somatropin in a bottle 10IU *Country (Moldova) *Drug basis: Somatropin (somatropin) Release form: Injections Active ingredient: Somatropin Principle of action: Recovery after the course Principle of action: Weight loss Principle of action: Increase in strength indicators Operating principle: Drying Brand: GeneScience Pharmaceuticals Brand: Vermodje Vermotropin Vermotropin is an artificially synthesized human growth hormone with a similar effect on the body. The drug is manufactured by the well-known pharmaceutical company Vermodje, whose production is located in Moldova. At the latitudes of the domestic market, it has now become possible to buy vermotropin (vermotropin), which is available in a dosage of 10 units per vial (the most relevant and common dosage among athletes), because in Ukraine it appeared not so long ago, and our store was one of the first to supply this hormone growth! Course of Vermotropin This hormone is likely to show both positive and negative effects on the human body – all in strict interdependence with the dose taken. In this regard, before you start using this course of Vermotropin and buy the drug, you should definitely get qualified advice from a trainer or a doctor. With a rational selection of the dosage and duration of the course, you can be sure of such achievements as: Accumulation of unwanted fat is reduced, The efficiency of the organs of perception becomes many times better, There is a significant strengthening of the immune system, Healing of skin wounds and diseases will occur faster, Musculature will increase qualitatively and in large quantities, the level of libido is significantly increased, the hair looks well-groomed, thick and has a healthy look. To be sure that you will get an excellent result in muscle building, and at the same time get rid of problematic unnecessary kilograms, we recommend mixing vermotropin 100 units with insulin or anabolic steroid drugs. In this case, a portion of the drug can be approximately 10-15 IU for 24 hours. The solution is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. It is strongly discouraged to inject it in the same place systematically and at the same time you should make sure that the drug you are using is the original Vermotropin.