


Black spider 25 Cloma Pharma is a sports fat burner, known to many athletes under the name Black Widow 25. It is considered the most effective of all Cloma Pharma products. The updated Black spider 25 fat burner has passed tests, has many patents, and feedback from users about it is extremely positive.

Action Black spider 25 Cloma Pharma

All components of the product are natural substances of natural origin. The basis of effectiveness is a combination of ECA (ephedra, caffeine, aspirin), as well as extracts of many plants. Additionally, the effect of ECA is enhanced by extracts of green tea, ginseng, ginger, willow root. Black spider 25 complex is a powerful metabolism booster and an excellent thermogenic. The effect of burning fat is enhanced by the accelerated processing of fat to supply the body with energy and increase body temperature. Other ingredients enhance the effect of the ECA complex or continue it. In particular, this applies to guarana extract: it acts on the body like caffeine for several hours, but without a pronounced peak of activity. Metabolism is improved by yohimbine and ginseng. Synephrine is similar in effect to ephedrine, but has no side effects. The combination of ECA further reduces appetite, which prevents the deposition of triglycerides. Additionally, the effect is enhanced by synephrine. Caffeine in the composition activates the breakdown of already existing fats. Additionally, the production of adrenaline is enhanced, which also has a destructive effect on body fat.

How to take Black spider 25 Cloma Pharma?

The product developers recommend starting with one capsule a day to test your own tolerance. Further, you can increase the dosage to two capsules per day (the first with breakfast, and the second with lunch). On the day of training, the capsule is taken with the pre-workout meal. When taking it is worth increasing fluid intake. The fat burner can be used by persons from 18 years of age. Do not combine with other fat burners (except L-carnitine). Reception can not be combined with alcohol, medications, tea, coffee and other stimulants. Persons with diseases of the heart, thyroid gland and cardiovascular system should stop using Black spider 25. Pregnant and lactating women should also stop taking it.