


Lipo – Fire from SP Laboratories – it's hard to even imagine how many athletes and athletes expected this drug to appear on the sports pharmacology market! Why, people will ask not "in the subject" ?? Yes, because this is probably the only drug for LOCAL or POINT burning of subcutaneous fat [except for growth hormone] And you didn’t hear it, it really is! Recently, it was the manufacturer SP Lab. launched the release of such a necessary and effective fat burner in problem areas. In this article, we will try to explain and convey to you why Lipo – Fire SP Laboratories wants to buy so many bodybuilders and athletes of the weaker sex who are tired of fighting "stubborn" fat.

Lipo-Fire by SP Lab. is an injectable local fat burner that combines the well-known fat cell destroyer – clenbuterol and the second component – yohimbine, which helps clen to assist in fat burning even more powerfully. Release form Lipo-Fire is 10ml bottles. The amount of the active component of clenbuterol is 40mcg for each ml of the preparation and 5.4mg of yohimbine, respectively, dissolved in the liquid for injection. As with all SP Lab medicines. Lipo has a protective Yupik code for verification on off. site.

We are used to the fact that it is impossible to burn fat pointwise, we go on diets and begin to systematically and gradually lose weight. Our body is designed in such a way that subcutaneous fat first leaves in those places where it is least, namely the shoulders, arms, chest, back ..and only last but not least is the area of ​​the hips and waist [abdominal area] After a certain period of time, having achieved a certain result, we still cannot "calm down" because the stomach and sides "spoil the whole picture." We tighten the diet even more and as much as possible, causing harm to health, but the result is the same … This is where the new drug from the joint venture comes to the rescue, which helps perfectly in the final eyeliner and summing up the final results of drying. Probably everyone who has ever thought about drying and fighting subcutaneous fat knows about the existence of Clenbuterol in the form of tablets, since it is not a steroid, but just a medical drug that was released to stop bronchial asthma attacks. And those who are afraid to "get involved" with anabolics feel quite normal when buying maple, not worrying about their hormonal background and possible imbalance. Also, girls, they do not worry about the irreversible processes of masculinization that can occur with prolonged use of large doses of synthetic male sex hormones and other anabolic steroids. As you probably already understood, Lipo-Fire needs to be injected. and not to be taken orally, and this is the beauty of that point burning of the fat layer, which was mentioned above.

One cube of mix contains 40mcg of maple, as well as one standard tablet. Injections must be carried out with an insulin syringe and it is under the skin in places where fat cells accumulate, which are the most difficult for you to get rid of. Let's for example assume that in our particular case it is the lower abdomen [the most difficult places are the area of ​​the lower abdomen and sides] To start the course, the optimal dosage will be 1ml. i.e. 1 cube per day. Injections are best done in the morning, on an empty stomach.Having collected the volume we need, we make injections into the fat fold under the skin with an insulin syringe, a small needle, as mentioned above. At the same time, we must divide the entire collected ml into the entire area of ​​u200bu200bthe problem area, for example, on both sides of the navel, so that fat burning takes place evenly. And we look at the condition and tolerance, every day we can add a dosage, but not more than 100mcg of clen per day for girls [2.5 cubic meters] and 140mcg for men [3.5 cubic meters] With this dosage, the intake should be divided into two times, the first will be in the morning before meal and the second before the expected workout. Also, from the 5th day, you need to add Ketotifen 1-2mg at night to restore the susceptibility of receptors, which after a week of using Lipo-Fire can simply stop responding to the drug. With ketotifen, the duration of the course can be up to 4 weeks, after which a break is required, at least 2 weeks. The exit from the course should be gradual, as well as the entrance to the course, that is, if your working dose was 3ml per day, you can’t just take and stop taking the medication the next day. This should be done gradually, reducing the dose by 0.5ml every day. A big plus of the combination of clenbuterol and yohimbine is that Lipo – Fire from SP Lab. not only actively contributes to the fight against fat, but also prevents the accumulation of a new one.

But do not forget that if you expect to achieve results without a diet and hard dynamic training, you will NOT succeed! To be effective, you need an appropriate training regimen and diet for weight loss. In such conditions, Lipo-Fire will be able to open up to the maximum and show its full potential.